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Acc. Chem. Res., 2001, 34, 798 prepn technique structure (Mobile) *
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 2000, 39, 3688 Spin Frustration in a Dimeric MnII Complex with a Metallocene-Substituted α-Nitronyl Nitroxide Radical (,,, J. Veciana) Mn(hfac)2 MM prepn magnetism NN (Mobile) *
ARKIVOC, 2008, 258 Studies of para-quinomethane formation during the tyrosinase-catalyzed oxidation of 4-alkylcatechols (Edward J. Land, Christopher A. Ramsden, Patrick A. Riley, and Michael R. L. Stratford) prepn ortho-quinone (Mobile) *
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 2005, 78, 2114 Paramagnetic Semiconductors: Hybrid Molecular Materials Based on Ethyl- and Methyl-pyridinium-Substituted Verdazyl Radical Cations and the Ni(dmit)2 Anion (dmit = 1,3-Dithiol-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate) (Kazuo Mukai, Daisuke Shiba, Kenji Yoshida, Kyohei Mukai, Hiroyuki Hisatou, Keishi Ohara, Yuko Hosokoshi, and Nagao Azuma) MM MC MEAS magnetic-conductor prepn conductivity magnetism structure radical dmit auYH (Mobile) *
Chem. Eur. J., 2004, 10, 4206 Bis(pyridine)iodonium Tetrafluoroborate (IPy2BF4): AVersatile Oxidizing Reagent (J. Barluenga, F. Gonzalez-Bobes, M. C. Murguia, S. R. Ananthoju, J. M. Gonzalez) OC SYNTH prepn (Mobile) *
Dokl. Chem. Engl. Transl., 1981, 261, 466 A NEW SELECTIVE OXIDANT FOR STERICALLY HINDERED IMINES SYNTH prepn TEMPO (Mobile) *
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 1998, 335 2,5-Disubstituted N,N'-Dicyanoquinone Diimines (DCNQIs) - Syntheses, and Redox Properties (S. Hünig, R. Bau, M. Kemmera, H. Meixner, T. Metzenthin, K. Peters, K. Sinzger and J. Gulbis) MC SYNTH MEAS prepn electrochem MO DCNQI ** (Mobile) *
Hetroatom. Chem., 2002, 13, 307 A Tandem Reaction of 4-Bromoalkyl Aldehydes with Sodium Azide: Synthesis of 5,6,7,7a-Tetrahydro-pyrrolo[1,2-d]-[]oxatriazole SYNTH prepn (Mobile) *
Inorg. Chim. Acta., 2000, 300, 1104 Synthesis, characterization and luminescence properties of lanthanide(III) compounds with 2,6-di(hydroxymethyl)pyridine and the related 2,6-di(hydroxymethyl-d2)pyridine ligand. X-ray structure of [Sm(2,6-di(hydroxymethyl)pyridine)3](NO3)3 (Dave R. van Staveren, Gerard A. van Albada, Syb Gorter, Jaap G. Haasnoot, Jan Reedijk) IC isotope prepn optics (Mobile) *
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1969, 91, 918 Antiaromatic Periheral Systems. Synthesis and Chemistry of Pyracycloquinone. (B.M.Trost) SC SYNTH prepn MO acenaph (Mobile) *
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1995, 117, 6410 Bukylbowls 2. Toward the total synthesis of ... SC SYNTH prepn acenaph (Mobile) *
J. Mater. Chem., 1994, 4, 1219 Magnetic Properties and Crystal Structure of the p-Fluorophenyl Nitronyl Nitroxidet Radical Crystal: Ferromagnetic Intermolecular Interactions Leadingto a Three-dimensional Network of Ground Triplet Dimeric Molecules (Yuko Hosokoshi, Masafumi Tamura, Minoru Kinoshita,* Hiroshi Sawa, Reizo Kato, Youko Fujiwara* and Yutaka Ueda) p-FPNN MM prepn magnetism structure auYH (Mobile) *
J. Mater. Chem., 1995, 5, 243 Role of Hydrogen Bonds in the Propagation of Ferromagnetic Interactions in Organic Molecular Solids Part l -The p-Hydroxyphenyl a-Nitronyl Aminoxyl Radical Case (,C. Rovira, , P. Turek, J. Veciana) MM prepn magnetism structure MO NN (Mobile) *
J. Mater. Chem., 1997, 7, 1377 Isolation of crystals of a planar nitronyl nitroxide radical: 2-phenylbenzimidazol-1-yl N,N'-dioxide (PBIDO) (Yoshio Kusaba, Masafumi Tamura, Yuko Hosokoshi, Minoru Kinoshita, Hiroshi Sawa, Reizo Katoa and Hayao Kobayashib) MM prepn magnetism structure NN auYH auRK (Mobile) *
J. Mater. Chem., 2001, 11, 337 Structure and Properties of Novel M(dmit)2 Salts with the Me3N+-TEMPO Cation Radical (Me3N+-TEMPO = N,N,N-trimethyl (1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl)ammonium) (S. Aonuma, H. Casellas, C. Faulmann, B. Garreau de Bonneval, I. Malfant, P. Cassoux, P. G. Lacroix, Y. Hosokoshi, and K. Inoue) MM MC SYNTH magnetic-conductor prepn TEMPO ammonio-TEMPO dmit auYH auSA auPC (Mobile) *
J. Org. Chem., 1996, 61, 6052 Improved Synthesis of a C30H12 Buckybowl via Benzylic Oxidation with Benzeneseleninic Anhydride (M. D. Clayton, Z. Marcinow, and P. W. Rabideau) SC SYNTH prepn acenaph (Mobile) *
J. Prakt. Chem., 1990, 332, 345 Studies on the Reaction of o-Benzoquinone Dioxime with Aldehydes: An Improved Procedure for 1-Hydroxybenzimidazole 3-Oxides (F. Patzold, H.-J. Niclas, E. Grundemann) MM prepn NN (Mobile) *
Tetrahedron Lett., 1998, 39, 9127 Benzeneseleninic Anhydride Oxidation of 1,2-Diarylethanes and 1,2-Diarylethylenes to 1,2-Diaryldiketones (M. D. Clayton, Z. Marcinow, P. W. Rabideau) SYNTH prepn acenaph (Mobile) *
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